Cloud-based test management tool Allow coordinating team across multiple locations Supports Agile testing tools result in rapid deployment of product Automatically create detailed defect document Ability to add notes and annotations Easy sharing option

In this article, you will learn

How to Login and Create New Project in qTest Adding Requirements to our project Creating and Approving Test case in qtest Test Case Execution Generating Reports

How to Login and Create New Project in qTest

Step 1) Click on start a free trial. On the top right side click on tab Free trial from the main page.

Step 2) Add Trial Info and qTest Info. It will open a window as shown below with details to fill: Trial Info and qTest Info.

Trial Info qTest Info

In trial info, add following information

Name of user E-mail id of user Enter team size for testing (20+) Add number company size you required for (100-499). Choose option as per your requirement Click on continue

In the same window, you need to enter qTest info as given below

Name for the test –”guru99″ URL address through which account will be available “” Create password Click on tab “CREATE MY TRIAL” to continue

Step 3) Click on Access qTest Now. In next step, you will see your qtest credential has been created, click on tab “Access qTest Now” to access the qtest.

Step 4) You will be directed to a homepage You will be directed to a homepage where you can see various options like user profiles, reports, authentication integration, projects, etc. You will see a sample project.

Step 5) Now click on add new project. We will create our own project by selecting on option “Add new project”.

Step 6) A new project window will open. Enter all details into it like Project Name, Date, email id, etc.

Project Name Project Start and Project end date Project admin email id Description of the project Click on the add button to add the project.

When project is created, it will give a pop out like

Step 7) We can see all the projects created in qtest This window shows various information like project start and end date and other various information related to the project. Here we will work on project “Guru99 software integration testing.”

Step 8) Go to the top right corner and scroll down arrow icon under “guru99”. You can see the various project listed that we have created. You can individually access the project by clicking on it.

Step 9) Use top bar menu for various test designing features Here we will first access the project “Guru99 software integration Testing”

In the same page, you will also see other information like total member active users for the testing and total release, etc., which at the moment is null as we have not created any release. Now we will see how to create test requirement or test release in next steps.

Adding Requirements to our project

Step 1) if you see on top you will see three icons on requirement icon

New release New Build Delete release

Step 2) In this step under requirement option,

Click on icon highlighted to add requirement Add requirement description Click on Save button

Once you click the save button it will give pop-out the message you Also on top corner on the right side a notification pop up will appear regarding creation or update on any activities. New Requirement is created. Step 3) After creating “Release 1” now click on the second icon on the extreme left of the window highlighted here to add child requirement. It will add build (Course Order) to your main release “Release 1.” It will look like as shown below.

Add all the details related to that test case as shown below Step 4) In this step you have to add the details about the properties for the test case ( child order) as shown below

Status Type Assigned to Description

When requirement is assigned, it will give notification to your mail as shown below

Even if you have made any modification to this requirement in your qtest panel, it will send a notification to your mail as shown below,

You can also add additional test cases related to it and attach any document supporting to it. Step 5) In the same window when you scroll down you will see the option to add further test case related to the project. Follow the following steps

Enter the details of the test case Enter the description of the test case Enter the Pre-condition of the test case Enter on create button

When a test case is created successfully, it should show in the resource window on the same page. You can add more test case by clicking on add button.

At the end click the save button on top to save the data and it will save your changes and display the result as Step 6) To check the details about the requirement you can always click on the History tab.

Creating and Approving Test case in qtest

Once have filled up all detail about the project. You can approve the existing test case for execution, or you can create new one, as per the requirement Step 1) Since, we have already created test case previously in requirement window, we will not create a new one and approve the same. It should display on the left side of the panel.

Click on Test Design tab Test case is displayed

Step 2) To add new test case or deleting any test case you can always use this three icons on the top left side of the same window. Step 3) On the same page if you scroll down you can also add test steps to the existing test case as shown below;

Once done click on save button. Step 4) Again in the same window if you have any queries related to test case you can click on highlighted, and it will open another window as shown below. Enter all the details regarding queries.

Query Name Add new clause if any Save Query Run Query

Since we did not have any query for our project, we have not added any queries to it. In next step, we will approve the test case we have created. Step 5) In this step we will approve the test case. On the same page on the right side, you will see an option for approving and save the changes to test case.

Click on approve button to approve test case and Click on save button

When you click on approve button, it will pop up window like,

Also, you will get notification in your mail box, as show below.

Test Case Execution

Once you have created the test case and approved it, the next stage is the execution of test case. Step 1) Again go to main menu bar

Click on Test Execution tab Click on the project

Step 2) In order to execute the test case you have to add the test case by clicking on add test run button on top left corner as shown here

It will open another window, Step 3) In this window,

Click Test execution tab Select test case you want to run Click on add button

At the same time, you will receive a notification to your mailbox for test run assigned as shown below.

Step 4) When you click on add button in the previous step, it will prepare test case in run mode

Step 5) Now when you click on button it will execute our test case, and it will display result with all the details of the test case as shown below

You can also run test case using following option in the window; you can always select the environment that is supported on your system.

In case if you have any problem with the execution program, you can always use option “QTEST INSIGHT” menu bar and a link to download of explorer version will be displayed as shown below

Generating Reports

You can always generate a report for your test run. Step 1) Again go to main menu bar and select option reports

Step 2) On the left-hand side, select option “Test Execution summary.”

Step 3) It will pop out a window, asking for release details. Select the release details and click on show button.

It will generate a report showing all details like a total number of the test case created, the total number of test cases passed/failed, how it is executed (manual/ automation), etc. Since we have only 1 test case created over here, it will show result only for one.


So, here we have seen how qtest can be used to create, run and report the test case and manage your test run. Try qTest Free!