A show about spies never really got a chance to dig too deep into what it’s like to be one. From the start, Quantico focused more on flashbacks and time-jumps than anything else. The characters’ backstories had to be told but with such a large and diverse group, important information got lost.

Still, Quantico was a character-driven show and once these recruits were finally unleashed into the spy world, you could see the potential it had for a great run. The issue was that ABC didn’t have the same vision that viewers did and the show lasted only three seasons. Here are the top 10 fan-favorite characters from Quantico.

Nimah/Raina Amin

The hiding of a character is never ideal for any storyline. The Nimah and Raina arc was one of the mistakes that Quantico made. Separately, there was no main objective for the twins, but together, they were able to provide a light spark to the show. What would have been cool was to see one bad and one good sister on opposite ends of the law.

The dynamic between them seemed forced as Raina was all about her religious beliefs while Nimah wasn’t. In the field, they weren’t used properly by Miranda. For the twins, it was all about how they wanted to be seen as individuals and not as equals.

Caleb Haas

There’s always a character who has a cocky persona about them. In Quantico, that honor went to Caleb. Raised in the upper class, Caleb understood that things would be handed to him but that didn’t mean that he was not willing to work for them. He did have an awkward, yet intense brief relationship with Shelby but would later learn that his ex slept with his father.

After helping catch the NYC bomber, Caleb decided to give up his alias and position at the FBI to return to law school. His snobbish ways rubbed many the wrong way but in the end, Caleb did prove to be pretty useful.

Liam O’Connor

The one person the recruits thought they could trust turned out to be their first real enemy. Liam was a great agent but got demoted after a serious incident occurred. He was able to keep a job within the agency thanks to Miranda Shaw, who also happened to be his former lover. But Liam wanted more. He sought a relationship with Alex and then planned an attack on the same country he swore to protect.

With his training and intelligence, he was not going to take the fall. So, he decided to frame Alex and Will and also tried to frame Miranda. When Miranda caught wind of it, Liam shot her. Before he could do any more harm, he was killed by Alex and Ryan.

Will Olsen

Will was book smart. Out in the field, there was still more learning and training he could have used but behind a computer, Will was one of the best. His character was smart but was often overlooked by the other recruits. He felt used at times, especially when help was needed. Alex and the rest of the gang went to Will to help them out of a bind which caused some resentment from him.

It got so bad for Will being viewed as the outcast that he often found himself in the crosshairs of his fellow recruits during operations. Will teamed up with The Widow and helped kidnap Shelby. He joined forces with Miranda in what many thought was a terrorist act. Will just wanted to belong and got caught in a few tight situations.

Miranda Shaw

Miranda was the Assistant Director of the recruits at the FBI. In an attempt to help a former lover save face, she hired him to become their instructor. Miranda was blind to the double-life Liam was leading and maybe her past feelings for him got in the way. Also a single mom, viewers didn’t know the full details of what she was going through at home.

Miranda played everything close to the vest, so much so that it appeared she was often playing for the wrong side of the law. That’s not to say that Miranda didn’t have her demons. In the end, she did try to have Alex killed and will spend the rest of her time behind bars.

Owen Hall

Could Owen be trusted? That was the first question that came to mind when his character took the stage in Season 2. He did have a cloud of mystery surrounding him as thoughts of Liam came to mind. Much like Liam, Owen made his mistakes while being a field agent and was reduced to teaching.

His motives were not as deceitful as Liam’s but they almost cost him more than a job. Owen unknowingly raised a traitor and he had to deal with the inner-conflict that came with his life-altering decision.

Shelby Wyatt

The southern belle who came from old money never used that as a crutch or weapon. Just like Alex, Shelby wanted answers of her own. She was led to believe that her parents were killed in the 9/11 attacks but later found out that they were never on the plane and were actually on the run from authorities. She had a half-sister that she was sending money to only to learn that she was being conned.

Her relationship with Alex was vital to the show as they bonded from the beginning. However, the two friends who would become like sisters still hid things. In Shelby’s case, she hid the fact that she married Ryan who was Alex’s old fiance.

Ryan Booth

Ryan was sent into Quantico to spy on the class by Liam. Of course, he struck up a relationship with Alex. Ryan was more of a by-the-book team member who sometimes turned the other way when his more play-it-by-ear teammates went off-leash. Ryan’s presence often was an area of concern for Alex when tough decisions had to be made. However, in the field, Ryan was a great asset to have on your side.

His loyalty never wavered but his decision making in his personal life was shaky at best. How do you marry the best friend of the woman you wanted to marry? Sure, Ryan had his skeletons but none as bad as what his classmates were hiding.

Harry Doyle

Harry was full of more secrets than anyone on Quantico. All business, there was something off about his character. He didn’t try to fit in and everything with Harry was a contest. The writers did a marvelous job with his character and didn’t expose everything at once. His sexual preference was well hidden until it wasn’t anymore.

However, the biggest shocker of Harry’s reveals was that he was in bed with MI:6. For him, it wasn’t a betrayal on any account. Harry didn’t reveal secrets as a double agent which made his character that much better.

Alex Parrish

The hero who stayed on the run yet was never really treated as the hero of the show. Alex Parrish was headstrong and was prone to doing things her way no matter who gave the orders. A good spy, she was clever in infiltrating circles but still couldn’t figure her own life out. From love triangles to confusing friendships with business relationships, Alex kept her eyes on the prize.

The girl who wanted to follow in her dad’s footsteps and protect her country began the show looking for answers regarding his death. Along the way, she would learn some hard truths plus a ton about herself.