Wifi has become an integral part of our daily life as we rely on it heavily due to its reliability and faster connection and of course, it is cheaper than mobile data. But it literally puts life on hold when it doesn’t work or the internet is inaccessible and you spend all your energy trying to rectify it or get connected to. So, are you facing trouble with your Gome Wifi problem? No matter what the problem may be — an unstable connection to Wi-Fi or zero access to the Internet — a quick troubleshooting will help fix things.

Reboot your Router

Have you tried restarting your device? Yes, a reboot can work as an effective solution to many network troubles. Are websites not loading up? All things network-related are lagging? connections are dropping or your wireless is fading out, in that case, try rebooting your router.

Even though it may not be necessary, many routers do need an occasional reboot to keep working consistently. Most routers have a simple process — unplug the power cable and wait a few seconds. Now plug it back in. If you have a separate modem, try disconnecting your modem’s power cable and re-connect it back in after a few seconds. Some devices are equipped with a power switch, However, the unplug-and-plug-back-in method is applicable to all routers.

Update your router’s firmware

You will receive a double advantage by performing this step. First, you will have the advantage of receiving additional features and improvements of the new version of the firmware. Second, your router usually receives important security updates.

You will have the option to check, review, download, and install your router’s new firmware on its administration page. The exact steps depend on your router’s make and model, so check the router manufacturer’s support site for detailed directions.

Look for interferences

Routers often try to compete for airwaves with other devices in the house. Competitor devices such as cordless phones, Bluetooth speakers, microwave ovens, and baby monitors can cause interference to your Wi-Fi network.

To help identify the issues, you can set-up Wi-Fi “heat” map of your living space with the help of a free tool like HeatMapper. You may want to try using an app like the free Wi-Fi Analyzer for Android which is equipped with a real-time signal strength meter.

Put the kids and guests on their own network and enable QoS

If you are a parent you can put your children’s devices on an alternate network and setup permissions and settings. This will help secure the children by keeping them out of trouble on the web, easing the burden on your bandwidth.

You can also try setting up a different Wi-Fi router or enable your router’s “Guest Network” option. To avoid confusion with your main network you can also try and set up a different network name (SSID) and password for the guest network.

Guest networks are appropriate for visitors who may want to use your Wi-Fi Internet connection. it also helps with the privacy of your shared files. This will also work well with your smart appliances and guard your main devices against cyber-attacks.

Enable QoS (Quality of Service). QoS is a feature on selected routers that lets you give importance to traffic as per the type of data getting live streamed.

You can also try setting sensitive applications like Skype, IP telephony, streaming media, and online gaming to have higher priority over other types of activity. For example, if you give importance to Skype, other software’s will slow down, ensuring a smooth call experience.

All routers have their own ways of handling QoS, and most consumer-level routers have simple ways of enabling it with the help of presets available. Make sure to check your router’s support site for information on what each one does.

Get an updated router

Looking for a new router? you will definitely want improved Wi-Fi speeds that reach across your home or office, look for at least an 802.11 N or AC router with dual or triple band qualities.

AC routers have a maximum spectral bandwidth of around 8 x 160 MHz, compared to the 4 x 40 MHz standard of N routers. To explain better, the increased bandwidth enables more data to be transmitted without slowing down the speed.

By having multi-bands, you can leave older 2.4GHz devices on their own bands and keep the newer device which supports the latest Wi-Fi standards on higher bands. That way you will have multiple routers.

Newer AC routers have advanced features which are not available in older routers. Check for specifications like beamforming, Multiple-In-Multiple-Out (MIMO), multiple USB 3.0 connectors and Gigabit Ethernet ports.

Check your security

Unapproved devices loiter your Wi-Fi, it reduces the speed of your network. Do you know even the wireless security you use can cause an impact on your overall speed?


If you have an open network (no security) or using WEP, change the security settings immediately.  An open network is an open invitation for someone to steal your Wi-Fi and hackers can hack the older WEP security easily. Not to forget WPA, WPA2 with TKIP or WPA2 with AES. WPA and TKIP are outdated protocols and are now said to be insecure. It is best recommended to go with WPA2 with AES.

Physical location is another factor that affects your Wi-Fi network’s connectivity. Try setting up your router as close to the center of your home as possible. Keep it elevated and away from any obstructions like furniture and appliances.

Check for interferences

Avoid reflective surfaces like glass, mirrors, and metal because Wi-Fi signals tend to divert on contact with these types of materials. Especially concrete walls which can severely degrade your Wi-Fi signal. You can also adjust your router’s antennas. The antenna is omnidirectional; this helps the signal go equally in every direction. You will end up sending half your signal outside if you set up your router along an outside wall.

Choose the right band

Wi-Fi bands are not manufactured the same. Bought a new router, make sure to see that it supports the 5GHz band. Newer and updated N or AC routers particularly support this band. Apart from B/G routers which only transmit on the busy 2.4GHz spectrum, N and AC routers can transmit on 5GHz as well.

Updated new routers are usually enabled with dual-band capability. Enabling dual bands will help you keep older devices that only support the slower G specification on the 2.4GHz band and newer and updated devices on the stronger and faster 5GHz band. This is mainly like having two routers in one.

Still can’t connect?

If you’re still not able to connect, then you will need to contact your Internet Service Provider, router manufacturer, or network administrator.