Mobiistar smartphones are great in terms of performance but it does have its own share of problems such as Wifi problems which are truly annoying. Nowadays, people are dependent on that WhatsApp update or post on Instagram and another social networking site that requires either mobile data or wifi where latter is more preferred due to various reasons. Now, if you are finding it difficult to connect to a wifi network or if it’s connected but not working, trust me that you aren’t alone. There are hundreds of others who have faced the same problem because of which, we have created this blog post that discusses the various troubleshooting tips on how to fix Mobiistar wifi problems.

#1: Reboot the phone

You tried connecting to a wifi network but failed, could it be a software glitch? The answer is yes, it could be a temporary software glitch that might have occurred the moment you tried connected to a wifi network. The best way to get rid of such minor issues is to reboot the phone and that must refresh the system and resolve the problem on its own. You can press the power button to turn off the phone or use the power button plus volume up to perform a forced reboot.

#2: Reboot the router

Sometimes the router tends to take more time to connect a user to the wifi network which is annoying. There are instances when you aren’t even able to connect to these wifi networks because the router is going through some temporary glitch and similar to the previous method, rebooting the router can save the day. It takes just a few seconds to shut down the router and restart it.

#3: Toggle wifi

It happens quite a lot of times that you try to turn on wifi on your phone but it isn’t turning or if it does, it doesn’t connect to an available network automatically. In fact, most of the users go through the same issue on their phone whenever they want to connect to a wifi network. What you need to do is either go to Settings » Wifi and tap on the network to connect. The way around is to tap on the wifi icon again that will turn it off and then, tap on it again to turn it ON.

#4: Toggle Airplane mode

Trouble connecting to a wifi network? Well, you can toggle the airplane mode or flight mode to kickstart the wifi service on your device. This particular method requires the user to tap on the airplane mode icon to activate it. Once it is activated, all the incoming and outgoing networks will be blocked including the wifi. Take a few minutes and then, turn off the airplane mode. This must have restored the wifi problems that you were facing and it must connect well now.

#5: Check for any intermittent issues

Assuming that you were able to connect to a wifi network, if the internet doesn’t work, there could be some intermittent issues with the service provider. Most of the ISPes would inform or send messages to the users about any upcoming maintenance or upgrade work because of which, the internet could be disrupted but there are other instances too where they have to turn off the services due to some extremely important work. These are called intermittent issues. To check out if this is the root cause of wifi problems on your phone, call the ISP and inquire and ask for technician’s help if the services are fine from their end.

#6: Forget and reconnect

Trouble connecting to a wifi network? Why don’t you just forget and reconnect it? Yes, I can resolve the wifi problems that you are facing if you simply tap on forget to unpair to a network you are connected. Wait for few minutes and then, reconnect by entering the password and voila, the wifi is working now. I would recommend this method if the phone ain’t connecting to a network already saved or if the phone shows the status of the wifi network as ‘Saved’, ‘Authentication Problem’ etc.

Use Static IP than DHCP

Is it not working? You can switch between Static IP and DHCP if your phone shows the status of a wifi network as ‘Obtaining IP Address’ but doesn’t connects actually. Here how you can do it.

  • Open the Settings app on your phone.
  • Proceed to Wireless and Networks and tap on Wi-Fi Settings.
  • Tap on Menu button usually denoted with three vertical dots and select Advanced options.
  • Now, tap on Use Static IP where you will need to enter the details about the IP Address, Netmask, Gateway, DNS 1, and others.

“Authentication failed error”

This particular error is displayed whenever the password is incorrect or if the SSID chosen is wrong. To keep a check on the error, you must check the password entered several times. You have an Android smartphone that lets the user ‘show password’ unlike iOS where the passwords are hidden. Even if the password is right, your phone could show this error for which, we have compiled a procedure to follow.

  • Firstly, turn off the wifi and mobile data and turn on the flight mode.
  • Now, keep the airplane mode activated and tap on wifi icon to turn it ON to connect.
  • Once the wifi connects, you can turn off the airplane mode and check if the wifi is still activated or not.

“Connected to a wifi network but there’s no internet”

If that’s the case with you, restart the modem or router. First, turn off the router and keep it OFF for 15 to 20 seconds. Now, turn ON the router and try to connect. If it doesn’t work, restart the phone and try to reconnect.

“Obtaining IP Address”

It’s annoying when you try to connect and it shows ‘Obtaining IP Address’. Although usually, it takes just a second or so to proceed sometimes it takes much time. I would recommend using to download apps like WiFix by mHotspot or similar apps that let the user tweak this feature. You can also change DHCP to Static IP which is well discussed above.

Factory Reset the Device

This is the mother of all fixes and would clear and resolve any every wifi problems or any other problems that you are facing on your phone. Note that you need to obtain a backup of all the data beforehand because once you proceed with the factory reset option, you can’t reverse it back and get the data required as it is irreversible and permanent. Here’s how you can perform a factory reset.

  • Press the power button and turn off the phone.
  • Next is to tap on power button + volume up button together and hold it until the phone turns when you need to leave the power
  • button but keep the volume up button pressed until the phone boots into the recovery mode.
  • When you access the recovery mode, you need to use volume up or down button to scroll amidst the menu and use power key to select.
  • You need to select ‘wipe data/factory reset’ from among the menu and then, confirm the option ‘Yes — delete all user data’.
  • Once it is over, you can reboot the phone to start afresh and this must resolve the various wifi problems and in actual, any sort of software glitch or problems that could have introduced over time.

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