The original Charmed was such a successful show for several reasons. Not only did we get to see strong female leading characters and the bonds of sisterhood, but we also got to see the Charmed Ones take on a different demon every episode.

While every being to rise out of the depths of the fiery Underworld challenged the sisters in some way, there were a few demons that were far worse than others. From demons who refused to die to the ruler of the Underworld himself, these characters had us worried for the sisters for a hot minute! Read below to see our official ranking of the 10 worst demons to ever appear on Charmed.


It doesn’t matter that Shax was one of the least powerful demons in the series. The fact that he killed Prue, the eldest Halliwell sister, makes him one of the worst demons to appear on the show. Using his power to manipulate the wind, Shax wreaked some serious havoc in the lives of the Charmed Ones. After nearly publicly outing them as witches, his actions resulted in the death of Prue.

Even after the hundreds of scarier demons that the sisters faced afterward, they never got over the sheer terror that Shax caused them.

The Triad

In the final season, the Triad seem like an unstoppable force. They try to defeat the Power of Three through the naïve Billie and Christy Jenkins, otherwise known as the Ultimate Power. And because they very nearly succeed in their efforts to kill all the Charmed Ones, they’ve made it onto our list of the worst demons in the show’s history.

The first time we meet the trio is in the third season when they ask Balthazar to infiltrate and kill the Charmed Ones. Too bad they don’t stay dead after Cole defeats them when he decides he loves Phoebe.


Gideon may not be a demon, strictly speaking, but he does nearly cause quite a mess for the family. And as an Elder, he is extremely powerful. Gideon is the one who turns Wyatt evil after trying to kill him, and it’s just lucky that the sisters figure that out before the damage is permanent.

What makes Gideon so scary is that he doesn’t look scary. At first, he seems like one of the nicest characters on the show and the sisters trust him instantly. The audience finds out that Gideon is after Wyatt before the sisters do, which makes for some pretty intense TV!

Cole Turner

Due to all the pain he causes the Charmed Ones, Cole Turner has to appear on this list as one of the worst demons in the history of the show. But that doesn’t mean that we don’t still secretly wish that Cole and Phoebe had made it as a couple.

Cole is undoubtedly the most powerful demon they come across, especially after he inherits the Source’s powers and becomes invincible. He lies to the sisters, turns Phoebe against them, and very nearly destroys them. But we have to remember that Cole only takes on the Source’s powers to help save the Charmed Ones in the first place because he loves Phoebe so much.

The Seer

Even worse than Cole Turner is the Seer, the upper-level demon who serves the old Source before Cole takes his place. She plans everything out so that Cole can become the Source and then manipulates Phoebe into choosing him over her sisters. She also watches over Cole and Phoebe’s demonic growing heir before inheriting the Source’s powers herself and trying to destroy the Charmed Ones.

After the sisters vanquish her, she reappears in the Season Five episode Centennial Charmed, where Cole casts a spell to bring about another reality. But thankfully, that’s the last we see of her.


While some demons are gone with a single vanquishing spell or potion, others take a lot more power to defeat. Zankou is one such demon, who is a major inconvenience (to say the least) while the sisters figure out how to destroy him for good.

In the end, the sisters have to rely on the powers of the Nexus to get rid of Zankou once and for all. For all the trouble he causes, there is some good that comes out of Zankou’s presence: the sisters use his vanquish to fake their own deaths so they can escape from the pressures of being the Charmed Ones.

The Titans

Again, these beings aren’t really demons. The Titans are deities from Greek Mythology that battled the Olympian gods. They find their way into Charmed at the end of Season Five when they are released from a long-frozen slumber and begin attacking white-lighters and elders. The Titans are so powerful that it takes the Charmed Ones adopting the powers of the Olympian gods to destroy them.

The presence of the Titans sets off a massive chain of events that sees Leo becoming an elder and Piper and Leo ending their marriage (before coming back together in later seasons).

The Ultimate Power

The Ultimate Power, made up of Christy and Billie Jenkins, is considered by many to be the worst evil that the Charmed Ones face. They are quite powerful and Christy especially hates the Charmed Ones with a passion. In the final battle, they manage to kill Paige and Phoebe—even though Piper manages to travel through time and save them.

The reason that the Ultimate Power is such a threat is they really are like the evil Charmed Ones. But we don’t think that they’re quite the worst enemies the sisters have ever faced!


Barbas is just a humble demon and yet he manages to return to terrorize the sisters over and over again throughout the course of the show. He even nearly gets Darryl Morris executed! Barbas is kind of like a cockroach in that he just refuses to die.

The worst thing about Barbas is that he’s the Demon of Fear, so he has the power to make the sisters experience their worst nightmares. Even after the sisters vanquish him for like the millionth time, he promises to return again in the future.

The Source Of All Evil

The one demon that has to be worse than any other evil figure to appear on Charmed has to be the Source of all Evil. The title is given to the most powerful demon in the Underworld, and he also rules the rest of the demons in the Underworld.

The Charmed Ones do manage to vanquish the Source for the first time in Season Four with the help of Cole Turner, who takes on the powers of the Hollow. The Source is really an essence of pure evil, which makes this being far scarier than any other demon could ever be.