There are a lot of Godzilla films. It is a little mind-boggling how long this series has gone on for. People say there are a lot of James Bond or Marvel films out there? No. Godzilla tops them all. Many younger fans hoping to watch some of the films to hype themselves up for Godzilla: King of the Monsters often have no idea where to start. With all the films out there, there’s no way all of them can be good, right?

Well, with this handy-dandy list, newcomers can figure out which films are worth watching and which ones are not as important to see. While longtime fans can have fun seeing yet another list ranking every Godzilla film from worst to best.

Godzilla’s Revenge

This is commonly regarded as the worst of the Godzilla series, and for good reason. The story focuses on a kid who is being bullied by people in real life. There are these mob guys after him…

And then the kid starts dreaming about Godzilla on Monster Island. Or, rather, Godzilla’s son, Minila. Who speaks English. And sounds…idiotic. The film is beyond stupid. Not to mention most of the film is just stock footage of other films. People who claim the American remake is the worst Godzilla film have never watched this downright painful film.

Son of Godzilla

Any film featuring Minila as a core plot point in the Showa Era of Godzilla films are borderline unwatchable. While it does have a general plot: Godzilla and his son becoming closer. Godzilla is a pretty awful dad in this who slowly becomes better.

There are no particularly memorable fights. The film isn’t unwatchable, but it isn’t a particularly exciting film, either. It’s the sort of thing that will put you to sleep watching it.

Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster (AKA Ebirah, Horror of the Deep)

This film was originally created as a Toho King Kong film. There are many moments in the film that feels disjointed. While the giant crab Ebirah is not a particularly distinct monster. He’s just a giant crab. Seeing Godzilla and Mothra in a film together is nice, but the rest of the film?

It isn’t that this film is bad. The film is just very underwhelming.

Godzilla Anime Trilogy

This movie could have been much better. This trilogy of anime films is available on Netflix, but, since they form one core movie, it counts as one on this list. The Godzilla anime film is disappointing because of the potential it presents. It has some of the coolest ideas in the franchise, with Godzilla conquering the world and becoming a cosmic, gigantic monster.

It features Mechagodzilla, Ghidorah…but the films never come together as a cohesive whole. Not to mention the animation is so stiff and underwhelming. For Godzilla’s first anime films, it feels…underwhelming.

Godzilla vs. Gigan (AKA Godzilla on Monster Island)

Godzilla vs. Gigan is a mix of highs and lows. Gigan is one of the coolest kaiju in the whole Godzilla franchise. The idea of Anguirus and Godzilla teaming up to fight Ghidorah and Gigan is pretty cool. Not to mention, there is a little bit of blood in the final battle.

But there are a lot of problems. For one, the costumes look awful. Stiff. Ugly. The Godzilla suit is falling part. The Godzilla roar sounds screechy and awful. And – oh yeah – Godzilla talks. And it sounds idiotic. It’s telling that this film, which does so much interesting and cool stuff, is dragged down by this terrible creative decisions.

Return of Godzilla

There have been numerous attempts to present Godzilla as a solo threat to the whole of Japan. This is the first attempt since the original Godzilla film to present Godzilla as a solo-monster, out against the whole of Japan. It is a direct sequel to the original that ignores everything but the first film. In essence, it’s a reboot before reboots.

The film isn’t bad. But it’s certainly underwhelming. It features some very moody, dark visuals. The atmosphere is pretty intense. Regardless, the film really isn’t particularly memorable, especially considering the incredibly interesting sequels to this film, which rank among the best of the Godzilla films.

Godzilla (1998)

The 1998 Godzilla remake is notorious. It isn’t a great Godzilla film, but it gets far more hate than it probably deserves. The film is a movie about a giant monster who attacks New York, lays eggs in Madison Square Garden, and ends up being beaten by the military.

It isn’t a good Godzilla film, sure, but it isn’t a bad monster film. It doesn’t feature the insane moments that the Godzilla films are known for, but it’s pretty fun if you approach it the same way you’d approach any other monster.

Godzilla Raids Again

The first sequel to Godzilla is not a particularly great Godzilla film. Yes, it introduced Anguirus, one of the most beloved of the kaiju. Yes, it is the first film to establish the idea of the monster mash. And, yes, it is the last black-and-white Godzilla films, which gives it this sort of classic, timeless feel.

But the film isn’t particularly good. Especially when you watch it in the context of the later films, this one feels underwhelming.

 Godzilla vs. Spacegodzilla

Godzilla vs. Spacegodzilla is a fairly underwhelming entry in the Heisei film. The Heisei Era had an obsession with connecting many of the kaiju to Godzilla. While some monsters, like Destroyah and Biollante, are distinct enough to become memorable in and of themselves, Spacegodzilla is just derivative. It’s an evil clone of Godzilla. From space.

The final fight is large and drawn out, but it lacks bite. It feels fairly lame. Toothless.

Godzilla vs. Megalon

Godzilla vs. Megalon is one of the silliest films in the movie. It isn’t a particularly good film in any technical metric. But that doesn’t change that it’s still an incredibly enjoyable movie. It features some of the cheesiest action, including the glorious “drop kick” scene.

But even the idea of the film is great. Underground people, angry at the surface, send a giant cockroach to destroy the world, which results in an Ultraman rip-off named Jet Jaguar coming to stop Megalon, but then Gigan and Godzilla get tangled up in all this – it’s pretty goofy, but so much fun.

 Godzilla vs. Megaguirus

The Millenium Series of films is an odd beast. It doesn’t have a real sense of continuity, as each film (save for Tokyo S.O.S.) follows its own continuity. Each film is a sequel to the original.

This film does reference a group of mosquito monsters that appeared in the original Rodan film, which is a nice reference to the older films. However, the film itself is underwhelming. If not for the giant insect monsters and the military’s use of black holes, the film is…underwhelming. Good action, but forgettable.

Godzilla: Tokyo S.O.S.

This sequel to Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla features a rematch between Godzilla and the new Mechagodzilla (Kiryu), as well as bringing in Mothra and her two larva for…reasons. The film is a big mess all over the place, though it does feature some of the best Mothra action scenes in the whole franchise. However, Mothra’s reasons for being there are kind of weird and make little sense.

The problem is, though, that it’s a bit too same-old. The prior film featured a very unique reinvention of Mechagodzilla and a lot of really clever action. This one isn’t bad, but it doesn’t do quite enough to stand out, since all the elements that made the prior film interesting are pushed aside to make room for Mothra.

Godzilla (2014)

Gareth Edwards’s Godzilla encountered controversy the moment it came out. While better received than the prior American remake, Edwards learned from prior mistakes when putting together his film. He kept Godzilla titanic, kept a lot of the iconic lore and powers intact…

But is the movie good? Complicated answer. Godzilla (2014) has a terrific final act and an effective first act. It’s the middle that suffers, thanks in part to killing off one of the best human characters, hiding the Big-G, and, of course, being just plain boring. The start and end of the movie are powerful, sure, but the middle half sagged too much for most audiences.

Destroy All Monsters

Destroy All Monsters is often regarded as one of the greatest monster mashes of all time. It features appearances from every Toho Kaiju to have appeared up until this point (except for King Kong). So why, then, is it so low on this list? Have you seen Destroy All Monsters lately?

It seems hypocritical for people to criticize Godzilla (2014) for not featuring Godzilla enough when the vast majority of Destroy All Monsters barely utilizes its massive cast of monsters. Most monsters appear as brief cameos, culminating in one beat-down fight where everyone pummels Ghidorah. It lacks tension, but it is fun in its own way. But it is far too overhyped.

Ghidorah, The Three-Headed Monster

This is the first of the monster mash kaiju films. In many respects, the upcoming Godzilla: King of the Monsters film draws most heavily from this classic monster film. Godzilla and Rodan brawl throughout the film, with the nightmarish space alien Ghidorah descending on the Earth to leave the world in devastation. The real star of the film, however, is Mothra – the only kaiju trying to do the right thing in this film.

But the film has problems. The scene of Godzilla, Rodan, and Mothra talking (and Godzilla using some vulgar language) is a little lame. The highlight, oddly enough, is Mothra trying to take on Ghidorah, one-on-one. Far outclassed, but still a pretty tense brawl.

Godzilla 2000

Godzilla 2000 was the first theatrical Toho Godzilla film to come out for years in the states. The film is another reboot of the franchise following Godzilla vs. Destroyah. For this reason, Godzilla 2000 is important to the franchise.

However, what makes Godzilla 2000 so interesting is Orga. This bizarre monster is a grotesque alien that assimilates Godzilla’s cells into himself in order to transform into a big, hungry boy. The film is a good movie with a great original monster, but when you look at the vastness of Godzilla’s history, it’s easily overlooked.

Godzilla vs. Hedorah

Godzilla vs. Hedorah is an acid trip. The film is so out there that it becomes fairly unforgettable. It features a weird pollution monster comprised of sewage, defecation, and waste…

But this movie is worth watching for the strange acid moments, surreal party scene where people wear fish masks, animation scenes, and scenes where people’s flesh is melted away and reduced to bones. It’s pretty grizzly and bizarre. And for this surreal, horrific quality, it is worth watching. Also, this is the movie where Godzilla flies.

Godzilla vs. Monster Zero

Godzilla vs. Monster Zero is perhaps the first film to establish Ghidorah as Godzilla’s nemesis. It features the only scene where Godzilla is on another planet other than Earth. It’s also the first of countless films where aliens come down to Earth to cause problems, which became a standard plot throughout the franchise.

But is it a particularly good Godzilla film? Yes. Yes it is. It features some of the best old-school Godzilla action. It features Godzilla doing a ridiculous dance. It’s simply superb.

 Terror of Mechagodzilla

Terror of Mechagodzilla was the last film of the Showa Era. It is by far the weakest of the Era Finales (but Godzilla vs Destroyah and Godzilla Final Wars are a little hard to top), but it’s still one of the better entries in the series.

This film brings back Mechagodzilla, the villain from the prior film, following up as a direct sequel. Same aliens from the prior film, same monster…but this time they add in a second monster who is basically a fish-like version of Godzilla.

The film suffers from a “like the last film, only more” problem. Most of what it does is the same as Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla, only bigger. In the prior film, Mechagodzilla got his head ripped off…so he does in this film, only there’s a second head under the last head. More violence. More gore. It makes for a fun film, but it has a sort of “seen it already” quality to it.

Godzilla and Mothra: The Battle For Earth

The Heisei Era’s introduction to Mothra was so successful that it led to a whole Mothra spin-off trilogy. Mothra is such a scene stealer in this film that you forget the star is supposed to be Godzilla. The film features Mothra as almost a Mother Earth figure, existing as a defender of nature and existence. This places Mothra in an obviously positive position for a kaiju, as a Goddess figure. While Godzilla is definitely a titan of destruction, Mothra is one of rebirth…

Until the appearance of an evil version of Mothra appears, which then pushes Godzilla even more out of the audience’s frame of attention. The film is a really good Mothra movie. But Godzilla? Much less so.