Red Dead Redemption 2’s Online mode plays like a through and through wild west experience. Here’s a guide for beginners on Red Dead Redemption 2’s online mode. Red Dead Redemption 2 shares a good deal of similarities with its massively successful older brother, Grand Theft Auto. Both games require players to lead a life of crime in order to make their way up in the world by killing anyone standing in their way. This also rains true with their respective online game modes. In Red Dead Redemption 2, players can customize the appearance of their characters and join an open world filled with real people to interact with. Players can also team up with friends and go on missions for money or weapons. While not as fleshed out as Grand Theft Auto 5 online, this game has room to grow and offers up new and interesting ways of playing in this fictional version of Midwestern and Southern United States. This guide will get players started in the online world of Red Dead Redemption 2.

Players are dropped into the wild west once they enter Red Dead Redemption 2 online. The game mode opens up with a cinematic of what’s to come and helps ease the player into the world. The game begins with the player as a prisoner working in a prison yard. On a trip, the player is taken by outlaws where Jessica LeClerk offers to hire the player to avenge the death of her husband. The players’ job now is to find him and kill him. Once given the task, the world opens up, and the player can start doing whatever they’d like. It’s often for players to want to explore but it’s important to mention that similarly to Grand Theft Auto 5 online, other players are out and about and killing everyone on site. It’s important to play it safe, as the player doesn’t have anything to defend themselves with. Here’s what to do when the world opens up.

How To Make Money and XP in Red Dead Redemption 2 Online

Money makes the digital wild west world go round. To make money, select the Story Mission On-Call by using the D-pad to open up the Free Roam menu. Jumping into these missions will pair the player with randoms. As the missions are just the beginning, the rewards start off small but grow the more the player levels up. These missions will help players make money early on. Also, repeating the same missions will not give the same amount of money. Doing them once is the only time the player can get money, so try out different types of missions for making money. Also, the better the player does in missions, the higher they will be rewarded. It’s completely random what types of missions the game will give the player. Now to level up quickly, it is the same as making money. Doing Story Missions can help the player earn XP to unlock new weapons and future missions and bare higher rewards. These missions can also be played with friends, so get a group and begin growing together.

Creating a Posse in Red Dead Redemption 2 Online

Creating a posse is like creating a small little club for friends. There are two types of posses. The first is the Temporary Posse. This is a quick method to set up playing with friends and ends when the posse leader leaves. This also maxes out at 4 players. The second is Persistent Posses. It’s recommended to do a Persistent Posse only with friends who will continuously play alongside the player. This one also costs in-game money to create and maxes out at seven players. Through Persistent Posses, players can battle other Posses. This is what the online experience of Red Dead Redemption 2 is all about. To create a Posse, go into the menu and select Form Posse. Posses also follow players when they go on missions.

Creating A Camp in Red Dead Redemption 2 Online

At camps, players can rest, go through their wardrobe and cook whenever they need. The cool thing about this feature is players are able to create Posse camps and customize it with friends as a shared space. In order to create a camp, players need to raise a white flag. This also acts as a location for Delivery Boxes, so whenever the player goes shopping for ammunition or weapons, the camp is where it will be delivered. It’s also just a chill place to relax when wanting to take a break from all the stealing and killing.

How Feuds and Parley’s Work in Red Dead Redemption 2 Online

As mentioned, everyone is out for blood in this game mode. Especially for players who cannot properly defend themselves yet, the Feuds and Parley feature is perfect for newcomers. If another player is consistently hunting the player down, the player has the option to either Feud or Parley. Feud means both players enter a team deathmatch with a set timer. The player with the most kills wins. Parley allows a dialogue between two players. Neither player will be allowed to use their weapons during this time and have to talk to each other to sort out their differences. Although, in order for these to work, both players have to agree on using it.

More: Red Dead Online Has Somehow Been Created In PS4’s Dreams

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available now on PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Stadia