Apple CEO Tim Cook is being interviewed by WSJ Editor in Chief Gerard Baker at the WSJ.D conference in Laguna Beach, on the topic of ‘Apple’s next chapter.’ Cook’s slot is in the opening session on the evening of Monday 27th October … 

While Cook will be looking forward, a reminder that Apple VP Greg Joswiak will be appearing at Re/code‘s Code/Mobile conference on 27th or 28th October, looking back. He’ll be speaking about the company’s recent launches of the iPhone 6/Plus, iOS 8 and Apple Pay.

Cook is of course no stranger to the stage, but Joswiak – the VP in charge of product management and marketing for iPhone and iPod – normally keeps a much lower profile, so it’ll be interesting to hear his perspective.

Eddy Cue and Jimmy Iovine were interviewed at a previous Code Conference back in May (with the full video later put online).