Apple appears to be making some cuts in its recruiting department. According to a new report from VentureBeat, Apple recently has been letting go of all of its contract recruiters, as well as some of its in-house full-time recruiters. In total, these cuts affect more than 100 people and there are no signs of them being replaced.

While specific reasoning is unclear, the report notes that Apple is slowing down its recruiting efforts and “reevaluating” its efforts in that area. Apple currently does not have any job listings for recruiters, which could imply that it is not looking to replace any of the people who were let go. It’s also possible, however, that Apple is outsourcing most of its recruiting efforts to a new company.

In addition to letting go of some of its in-house recruiters, Apple is also making adjustments to the incentives setup for those that remain. Recruiters were previously given a bonus of 40 percent of a new employee’s base salary, but according to today’s report, that number has been reduced to around 10-15 percent with the possibility that it could go away entirely.

No specific reasoning immediately jumps out as to Apple’s reasoning for cutting its recruiting efforts so dramatically, but the news comes as investors and analysts have made some dark predictions for how the company’s 2016 is shaping up to be. Over the weekend, KGI anticipated that Apple could see iPhone sales in 2016 that are lower than those of 2014. Meanwhile, analysts are still fearful that company has reached “peak” iPhone and some reports have claimed that the iPhone 7 will be a mediocre update, though obviously nothing has been confirmed.

We’ve reached out to Apple for a comment on it curbing its recruiting efforts and will update if we hear back. While it’s likely nothing significant and could just be Apple outsourcing more of its efforts, it’s something to note ahead of the company’s second quarter earnings call tomorrow evening.